‘Family Feud’ Auditions Coming to North Texas
Is your family the perfect team to win some cash?
'Family Feud' is definitely one of those game shows that can stand the test of time. It's been going strong since the mid 70's, sure they had a few off years here and there. The show is back and better than ever with the latest host Steve Harvey. We have shared some of our favorite family feud moments throughout the years with Steve.
Well, you have a chance to be on that show. Starting in December, they will be having open tryouts for your family. The auditions will be taking place in Dallas on December 3rd and 4th. The location of the auditions will be given if you get picked to audition. How do you get picked?
Send your audition by email to dallas@familytryouts.com. They encourage you to send photos or maybe a video of why you should get picked. "At least 5 family members are required." You should introduce yourselves, including where you're from. Some other rules do apply, you must be a U.S. citizen and not be running for political office.
More rules are on the 'Family Feud' website. If you can't make those audition dates, you can click the audition by video page or call their number at 323-762-8467. If you do get picked, you got a chance to win some cash or a car. If you lose, at least you got a free trip to Atlanta and bragging rights that you were on 'Family Feud'.