Dallas Cowboys Fans Have the Most Tattoos for Their Team and I’m Proud to Be One of Them
Yeah, I am one of those annoying fans and I am proud to always be rocking Cowboys Nation.

A new survey just came out from Ticket Source for which teams have the most tattoos across the NFL. Apparently the Dallas Cowboys are number one, according to Google searches for the year. The survey also delves into player tattoos that fans have, which I don't have any personally. However, I do have all four of my favorite sports teams represented. Let me show off my crazy sports tattoos.
First up, my Baltimore Orioles tattoo. I got this a week after I turned 18, so super faded all these years later. Need to get the psycho bird a touch up at some point. Remember, I didn't grow up in Texas. In Maryland when I was a kid LITERALLY the only sports team was the Orioles. So they're my baseball team, sorry Rangers fans.
Next one I got in life was the Dallas Cowboys tattoo. I think this is an underutilized logo for the Dallas Cowboys. They rocked Cowboy Joe in the 60's when the team first started. They have slowly started incorporating him into more merch and I buy it every time I see it. Everything has the star on it, but Cowboy Joe really stands out to me.
These next two are...let's say interesting tattoos. I literally let you guys pick them. If I am being honest, my favorite Mavericks logo is the one with the Big M and the Cowboys Hat.
Sadly, you guys did not pick that one for me and you picked the new Dallas Mavericks logo. However, this one had a My Little Pony logo in the middle instead of the traditional Maverick. You guys didn't think I would actually do it, but I did and still have it all these years later.
Finally, we come to the biggest one I have and many think I just love Disney because of this one. Don't get me wrong, 'The Little Mermaid' has some classic Disney songs, but it's not my favorite Disney movie. I put up a bunch of 'girly' themed Dallas Stars tattoo ideas. We had Barbie, a Care Bear, Powerpuff Girl and finally Ariel. I was thinking which Disney Princess would like the Stars? Ariel's green tail would look good my dumb brain thought. You can watch me get the tattoo here.
People always ask me which Stars tattoo would I have gotten if I didn't do this dumb idea. I honestly think all the Stars logos are very boring. I would probably have gone with Mooterus from the mid 2000s, even though everyone hated those jerseys. I guess I like the weird logos for my teams.
If you have any sports teams tattoos, let me know. I love meeting crazy fans like myself out there.
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