
Amazing ‘Field of Dreams’ Tattoo Costs Man $10,000
Amazing ‘Field of Dreams’ Tattoo Costs Man $10,000
Amazing ‘Field of Dreams’ Tattoo Costs Man $10,000
So, you know that tribal arm band tattoo that you got in 1998? Yeah. Put that ish away, because Mike McWain, of Hanford, Wash. has topped just about every tattoo you’ve ever seen or will see. His ‘Field of Dreams’ tattoo is as elaborate as it is expensive.
Blindfold Charlie Shares How IHOP Inspired A Permanent Lifechanging Choice on Homebrew:  A Tattoo…?
Blindfold Charlie Shares How IHOP Inspired A Permanent Lifechanging Choice on Homebrew: A Tattoo…?
Blindfold Charlie Shares How IHOP Inspired A Permanent Lifechanging Choice on Homebrew: A Tattoo…?
You're young, you're in a rock band, you have plenty of fresh tattoo canvas to use and you want to make a statement....Ihop!  Wait..what?  If you missed Homebrew with Joshua David last Sunday, then you missed another mind-boggling, ball-scratching, finger-sniffing band story on how Joey of Blindfold Charlie got the idea of his tattoo from Ihop! ...