Journalist Rocks Hotter’N Hell Hundred Shirt and Leaves Foreign Viewers Confused
Living in Wichita Falls we know about the Hotter'N Hell Hundred, but many folks learned about our iconic 100 mile bike ride last night.
Meet Margriet van der Linden
Today I discovered folks over in Netherlands were very confused when tuning into a discussion called Zomergasten. Thanks to Google Translate, I am able to get a basic breakdown of what happened last night. Basically this is a serious series over in the Netherlands talking about different political issues. The host for this episode is a woman named Margriet van der Linden and you will notice she is rocking a very interesting t-shirt.
Hotter'N Hell T-Shirt in the Netherlands
I'm not sure if Margriet van der Linden actually took part in our Hotter'N Hell Hundred back in 2014 or for some reason someone donated one of their old t-shirts. Somehow it ended up at a thrift store in the Netherlands and is now part of a serious political discussion. Last night viewers were a little confused about what was on her shirt and it lead to people actually discovering our 100 mile ride in Wichita Falls.
Pre-Interview, Still in the Hotter' N Hell Shirt
Turns out in the Netherlands, a leather jacket and a Hotter'N Hell tshirt is actually a pretty cool look. It's funny people in the Netherlands are discovering the Hotter'N Hell Hundred this week since the big ride is Saturday. If anyone in Netherlands wants to come to Wichita Falls this weekend, we would love to have you. Margriet van der Linden I think should get a 2024 t shirt for free for all the free advertising she did for it.
Photos from the 2022 Hotter'N Hell 100
Gallery Credit: Eric the Intern
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Gallery Credit: Stryker