It sucks when your vehicle breaks down, sucks even more when the towing company destroys your vehicle.

This past Tuesday, a lawsuit was filed against Big Daddy's Wrecker, Incorporated. An Arizona couple, unfortunately, broke down on U.S. Highway 82 between Sherman, Texas, and Wichita Falls on Aug. 22, 2017. A broken radiator hose was the cause of their malfunction, but that is the least of their worries after dealing with the tow.

The couple contacted Triple-A, who then contacted the nearest towing company who happened to be Big Daddy's Wrecker. According to the lawsuit obtained by TRN, the vehicle used for the tow was not capable of handling an RV. They also claim the driver was not qualified for this tow and he was not able to secure the drive shaft.

The couple alleges the drive shaft was not properly secured and actually drug along the pavement. This caused sparks, making the tow truck pull over. The plaintiffs then attempted to help the driver secure the drive shaft properly. The driver eventually gave up leaving the couple stranded again. They recalled Triple-A, who sent out Big Daddy's Wrecker again, this time with a different tow truck.

The couple emphasized to the new driver that the driveshaft of the RV needed to be properly secured because they had already seen it drag and spark with the previous tow truck. According to the lawsuit, the driveshaft once again was not properly secured, and again sparks flew, this time causing a fire that destroyed the entire RV and everything inside of it.

As evidence of negligence, they allege Big Daddy's breached their duty to them by failing to properly inspect the RV, secure the drive shaft, and provide and use the necessary equipment to properly and safely tow the RV. The plaintiffs are seeking monetary relief between $200,000 and $1 million.The couple is seeking the cost of actual damages, attorney's fees, pre- and post-judgment interest, costs of the suit, and all other and further relief to which they may be justly entitled.

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