Wichita Falls Police Officer Signs Off With a Very Heartfelt Message [VIDEO]
Thank you for your service for decades in law enforcement.
Major shout out to Lieutenant Kyle Collier with the Wichita Falls Police Department. After thirty years of service protecting the citizens of Wichita Falls, he has decided to go into retirement. A well-deserved retirement I would like to add. Before he goes to enjoy some relaxing, Lieutenant Collier had to sign off one more time.
He got a little choked up and left us with a bible verse. He thanks his two sons, who are currently also in the Wichita Falls Police Department. Closes it out with a thank you to his wife, who I am sure if going to be thankful he is coming home for good. Once again, thank you for serving the people of Wichita Falls for the past thirty years. Enjoy your retirement sir.