Why Are We Advertising Texas Medicaid in Philadelphia?!
Some folks in Philadelphia want to know why Texas is invading their city.
Strange Advertisements Going Viral Online
Spend your advertisement dollars how you want, but I would suggest maybe advertising something only for Texans IN Texas. It looks like SEPTA (Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority) just rolled out new billboards across buses in Philadelphia. Since most of Philadelphia hates Texas (Mostly Dallas), people have been scratching their heads. It also has us wondering, why Texas would pay money for this in another state.
Nice Little Scheme Going On?
These photos are already going viral on Reddit, with many people believing that the state is using it's required advertising dollars to promote welfare programs, however advertising it in a place where NO ONE in Texas would see it. If that's true, I won't lie. Super f***ed up to do.
SEPTA's Statement on the Advertisements
They're claiming that the ads were sent to them by mistake. According to KXAN, Andrew Busch, director of media relations for SEPTA sent a statement to them that they were accidentally sent the Texas ones and no one noticed before putting them on the buses. Andrew says that the state of Texas is not paying SEPTA any advertising dollars.
Looks like a similar ad is currently running for Pennsylvania medicaid and is supposed to be running on 60 buses throughout the city. Apparently four buses have the Texas advertisement on them and they're currently working to remove them.
Your Texas Tax Dollars Are Safe
Although I can't comment on where the rest of our tax money is going, I am quite thankful we're not paying the city of Philadelphia for advertising Texas medicaid. Go Cowboys!
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