Whatever Happened to the Plans for a Wichita Falls QuikTrip?
Wasn't this supposed to open up years ago?
So yesterday I was looking for things to talk about on air and I found this story out of Killeen, Texas. They were announcing the opening of two new QuikTrips in town. I got to thinking, were we not supposed to ALREADY have a QuikTrip in Wichita Falls? Am I going crazy, did I make this up? I remember reading about a QuikTrip coming to our city.
Nope, I'm not crazy because I literally wrote this story in 2020. Back then, the City of Wichita Falls approved a permit to build a QuikTrip at the northeast intersection of Old Iowa Park Road and I-44. They were supposed to begin construction in 2020 and be open by 2021. Well we're in 2022, so what the hell happened?

I called QuikTrip corporate yesterday to see if the plans were scrapped or if this location is still on hold. I got a hold of a spokesperson this morning and the good news is, yes Wichita Falls will still be getting this QuikTrip. Due to everything going on in 2020, construction was put on hold.
I was told, construction would actually begin next month (guess I called at the perfect time). The plan is to have the location open by early 2023. I personally can't wait. I was very excited to announce we were getting a QuikTrip. It's honestly one of my favorite gas stations in Texas because they actually have some damn good food.
Sadly we have been deprived in Wichita Falls, but it looks like we will have to wait a little longer. At least I have something to look forward to in 2023.
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