The Texas Rangers Need to Permanently Switch to the Throwback Uniforms
I’m loving the Rangers’ 1972 throwback uniforms they've been using for the 50th anniversary. So much so that I would love to see them bring those uniforms back on a full-time basis.
Not that I don’t like the uniforms they switched to back in 2020. I actually like the script font and I really dig the powder blues they wear during home games on Sundays (for my money, it looks best when they sport the red hat with it).
But with that being said, the script font has been used by many teams in the past and is more closely associated with the Los Angeles Dodgers. In fact, most people simply refer to it as the “Dodger font”.

And that right there is the rub.
The font the Rangers used for the first uniforms was their own. I love the old western look of it. And since we’re talking about the Texas Rangers, it makes total sense.
Now back to the powder blues that all of us Rangers fans are so crazy about. I would like to see them keep an alternate powder blue for Sunday home games, but also bring back the powder blues of the 70s for road games. Certainly, we can agree those unis are sweet.
Not to mention the fact that I love the old-school hat. That classic blue hat with the red bill and the white “T” is near and dear to my heart.
I’ll admit that a lot of my sentiment is based on nostalgia. I went to my first Ranger game in 1982, which was the last year they wore the original uniform. So, I’m sure that affects how I feel about the uniforms.
But at the end of the day, those throwbacks are nice and are unique to the Texas Rangers organization.
So, do a fan a solid and bring those unis back for good.
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