The Buzz is Saying Farewell to Football with a Weekend of Rock Blocks
We’re getting crazy with the playlist this weekend to say farewell to the 2020 football season.
Instead of just moping around here, pissed at Jerry Jones for another season without a Dallas Cowboys championship, we decided to crank it up with football-themed rock blocks through Sunday night.
We’ll be kicking field goals with 3-fers of some of your favorites, rolling out some 7-in-a-row touchdowns and we’re even gonna throw in the occasional 2-in-a-row safety.
It all starts with my show, The Afternoon Buzz, at 3:00 pm on Friday. We will be taking a break from the blocks for the Best of Free Beer and Hot Wings, Monsters of Rock, LA Lloyd, Harddrive and Full Metal Jackie on Saturday, but otherwise you can look forward to a weekend that’ll put any weak ass “Twofer Tuesday” to shame.
So, drink up, smoke up, whatever it is you choose to do while engorging yourself on insane amounts of dude food while watching the Big Game, but be sure to do it with the Buzz’s “Farewell to Football Weekend” cranked up.