Texas Police Department Trying Texting Out Ticket Program
If this is the future of traffic tickets count me out.
Every company wants to adapt to the times and make things easier on all of us. Imagine a world where traffic tickets are a thing of the past. Introducing, the Trusted Driver Program. Let's say you commit a minor traffic violation. No more pulling over, the cop already has your info and just texts you a ticket.
I have to be honest, this sounds awful. The Windcrest, Texas Police Department is going to try it out though. Citizens can opt into the program, no one is forced to join the Trusted Driver Program. An officer runs your license plate, verifies that you're the driver, calls up your Trusted Driver information and sends a text with a warning or citation to your phone.

For citizens who wish to contest their ticket, all court proceedings can be handled virtually as well through the program. Trusted Driver is free and citizens can opt out at any time. "We're very proud...We hope that we have a lot of participation," said Captain Jimmie Cole of the Windcrest Police Department. "I do believe it's probably something that's going to spread probably entirely across the nation."
The program launches in Windcrest tomorrow. I guess we will see how this goes and if more police departments in Texas decide to opt in to the program. I personally would not to sign up for this if it were to come to our area.
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