Texas Named the Best State to Start a Business In
If you're a business owner here or thinking about starting one, this should make you feel good.
The fine folks at Wallethub are at it again praising Texas. This time for something I know a lot of people personally that bust their butts every day doing in our city. Owning their own business, which is never an easy task. We have all heard location is key for your business, but just looking at the state to start in can also be a big factor as well.
They looked at factors like access to cash, skilled workers and affordable office space. Texas received the highest total score once all the factors were added up. Texas has the number one business environment rank, twelfth in the country with access to resources, and sixteenth in the country for average business costs.
Oklahoma isn't too far behind as the fifth best state to start a business in. Their average business costs are the best in the country. They rank eleventh in business enviroment and twenty fifth in access to resources. More info can be found in Wallethub's survey. If your dream is to own your own business one day, maybe this is the encouragement you needed today.
BONUS: Check Out the Upgrades to the AMC Wichita Falls Theater