Texas Man Handcuffed in Back of Cop Car Shoots Himself in the Head
Still trying to figure out how he had a gun on him.
I have never been arrested before, but from the cop shows I have seen they always search someone before placing them in their car. They're looking for weapons or maybe drugs on the person. 19-year-old Zachary Khabir Anam was able to get into an Austin police car this past Sunday with a gun.
Zachary was taken into custody at the Barton Creek Square shopping mall on suspicion of shoplifting and possession of a controlled substance. No word on if the mall security staff did a search of Zachary and said he was good. Austin police have orders to search everyone before being placed into the back of a cop car. Either way, Zachary was placed in the car with a gun in his waistband.
While in handcuffs, he manages to wiggle around and get his hands on the gun. Zachary pulled the gun out, pointing it at himself and threatened that he was gonna kill himself. The officer immediately pulled over to try and take control of the situation. After a back and forth for six minutes, Zachary shot himself. He passed away from his injuries on Monday.
Austin police are currently doing an internal investigation as to how Zachary got into the vehicle with a gun in his waistband.
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