Here’s more evidence that Texas drivers are among the worst in the country. 

Seriously – I see people doing stupid stuff on the roads here every single day. In fact, it’s usually multiple times every day that I see someone make an ill-advised decision while behind the wheel. 

But I can say that I’ve never seen anyone driving backward on an access road until today.

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However, as long as no one was injured, I’m kind of glad they did it because the comments on the video on X did not disappoint. Love it or hate it, you have to admit X can be quite the entertaining rabbit hole to go down.

X: Dallas Texas TV
X: Dallas Texas TV


My favorite comments pertained to the dumpster fire that is my favorite team the Dallas Cowboys. A few folks were convinced the driver was trying to go back in time to when the Cowboys actually won Super Bowls. If that were possible, I would most likely give it a try myself. 

That said, I’m 99.9% sure the transmission went out, and reverse was the only gear it would shift into. However, instead of doing the smart thing and sucking it up and calling a tow truck, they chose to go the not-so-smart route.

NEXT: Of Course a Texas Cop Was Doing Donuts in the Snow

The 5 Cities With the Worst Drivers in Texas

The 5 Texas cities with the worst drivers, according to ConsumerAffairs.

Gallery Credit: Johnny Thrash

The Top 10 Funny Rejected Texas License Plates

The Texas DMV allows you to construct a message using: letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols including hyphens, periods, hearts, stars, or the state silhouette. However the message is not allowed to be indecent, vulgar, or have derogatory content.

Texas Police Codes with Descriptions

Ever wondered what police officers were saying to each other in their secret language? Well, not anymore! Here is the full list of all police codes used by Texas DPS, according to The RadioReference Wiki.

Gallery Credit: Nick

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