Theme Park Bans Screaming on a Roller CoasterTheme Park Bans Screaming on a Roller CoasterHow in the hell are you going to enforce this?StrykerStryker
Watch Tommy Lee’s Roller Coaster Break Down During Band’s Final Show [VIDEO]Watch Tommy Lee’s Roller Coaster Break Down During Band’s Final Show [VIDEO]Motley Crue said goodbye on New Year's Eve and one aspect didn't go as planned.StrykerStryker
Guy Proposes While Riding a Roller Coaster [VIDEO]Guy Proposes While Riding a Roller Coaster [VIDEO]See, this is my kind of proposal.StrykerStryker
New Roller Coaster Set to Break Ten Records [VIDEO]New Roller Coaster Set to Break Ten Records [VIDEO]To all the coaster junkies out there, this one should shoot to the top of your bucket list.StrykerStryker
Kid Passes Out Three Times on Giant Slingshot RideKid Passes Out Three Times on Giant Slingshot RideOnly the most daring of thrill seekers take on those giant slingshots you see at amusement parks. So who convinced this kid to try it?Kacy CollinsKacy Collins
Iconic Movie Roller Coaster will be Closing in Mid AugustIconic Movie Roller Coaster will be Closing in Mid AugustQuick load up the Griswald clan in the truckster and prepare them for an iconic road trip. You will have a few more weeks to ride the roller coaster that the family was on.StrykerStryker
Dude Rides Virtual Roller Coaster, Freaks Out [VIDEO]Dude Rides Virtual Roller Coaster, Freaks Out [VIDEO]While I'm no fan of heights, I do love roller coasters.Johnny ThrashJohnny Thrash