The Iconic Arby’s Cowboy Hats Are Still Found in 2 Texas CitiesThe Iconic Arby’s Cowboy Hats Are Still Found in 2 Texas CitiesWhile most of the original signs are gone, here's where you can find the Arby's cowboy hat signs in Texas.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Strange Things Google Maps & Google Earth Found in New MexicoStrange Things Google Maps & Google Earth Found in New MexicoYou never know what you'll find on Google when looking at New Mexico.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Discover the Hidden Supervolcano Located in New MexicoDiscover the Hidden Supervolcano Located in New MexicoNew Mexico has a supervolcano that you can go and visit in person.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Vanishing Self-Checkout: Louisiana, Texas May Be Losing KiosksVanishing Self-Checkout: Louisiana, Texas May Be Losing KiosksSelf-checkout kiosks are disappearing in stores across America due to rising retail theft. Louisiana and Texas could be losing them too.Tracy WirtzTracy Wirtz
Believe it Or Not, There Has Been a Shark Attack in New MexicoBelieve it Or Not, There Has Been a Shark Attack in New MexicoYes... it IS possible to get bit by a shark in New Mexico.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Texans Say This Fast Food Joint Has The Best French Fries Ever!Texans Say This Fast Food Joint Has The Best French Fries Ever!Texas is just one of 32 states declaring their love for these delicious French fries!Iris LopezIris Lopez
Discover The Terrifying Legends Of Texas CryptidsDiscover The Terrifying Legends Of Texas CryptidsUncover the spine-tingling myths of Texas cryptids - from the bloodthirsty El Chupacabra to the shape-shifting Skinwalkers. Are these legends real or just folklore?GrizzGrizz
Village Inn Restaurants Can Only be Found in One Texas CityVillage Inn Restaurants Can Only be Found in One Texas CityTo find the classic orange Village Inn signs, you just need to travel to far West Texas.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Texas, New Mexico, Arizona – Who Has The Widest Temperature Extremes?Texas, New Mexico, Arizona – Who Has The Widest Temperature Extremes?West Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona have the highest temps in the southwest. Sorry Death Valley, I don't consider you one of us.Dubba GDubba G
This Immersive Art Exhibit Can Be Found in New Mexico and TexasThis Immersive Art Exhibit Can Be Found in New Mexico and TexasIf you've wanted to see what the Texas Meow Wolf looks like, here's a quick look.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Mother-Son Duo Arrested For Massage Parlor Services in TexasMother-Son Duo Arrested For Massage Parlor Services in TexasLocal mother and son arrested for alleged sex trafficking at massage parlors, sparking multiagency investigation in Texas and New Mexico.KFYOKFYO
Some Texas Cows Now Have Bird Flu- What Does This Mean For Milk?Some Texas Cows Now Have Bird Flu- What Does This Mean For Milk?Some cows in Kansas, Texas, and New Mexico now have Bird Flu, the disease caused by avian influenza. What does this mean for Texas milk?Renee RavenRenee Raven