Celebrities have feelings, too. Even when you think you're just talking random smack about them in the wide world of the internet (web?), you're still talking random smack about real people. If you're tweeting mean stuff? They might see it. And it might hurt them.
You might not be familiar with the Dublin, Ireland, band The Decemberists.
However, we are pretty sure that after you watch its latest video, you will be a fan -- or you will at least have a lot of respect for the band's talent.
Jimmy Kimmel has a special talent. He's always able to make people feel silly by asking them simple questions and letting them give their very wrong answers.
The folks at ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live" are great at coming up with some of the best viral videos the Internet has ever seen. His series on celebrities reading mean tweets about themselves is one of our favorites.
Whenever we see a video going viral, it's now perfectly acceptable to just assume that "Kimmel" is behind it in some way, like the worst twerk fail ever video from l
"Because the best pants are no pants at all!"
Last night on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live,’ host Jimmy Kimmel unveiled Lululemon's new (fake) product – spray on yoga pants. You can wear them everywhere! At all times! Seriously! (Maybe not?)
The pyros in Rammstein lit up Jimmy Kimmel Live last week while kicking out "Du Hast". I've never seen Rammstein but from what I understand, this is only about half of the pyrotechnics they use during a typical show. I particularly liked it when Till lit the "fan" on fire towards the end of the song...