‘Star Wars’ Movies Coming to Digital Download
You're going to be able to download the entire 'Star Wars' saga faster than the Millennium Falcon going into light speed.
I am a huge 'Star Wars' fan. If you're anything like me you probably already own the movies. I already have the original trilogy and episode 3 on DVD. When I get a blu-ray player, I can assure you Star Wars will be at the top of my list for must own. Well if you're someone that enjoys downloading and streaming movies you can now LEGALLY do that with the 'Star Wars' franchise.
All six movies will be available starting on Friday. Fans will be able to buy the films — beginning with The Phantom Menace and continuing through Return of the Jedi — either individually or as a set. They will be available through multiple retailers, including iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Vudu, Amazon, Xbox Video, PlayStation Store and Verizon Fios.
Among the added features that come with the Star Wars package are interviews with the creative team, including creator-director George Lucas, design director Doug Chiang and sound designer Ben Burtt and at least five deleted scenes from each of the six episodes.
As with any new release they always have something to get you to buy the upgraded edition. Every time new features come out, I feel like, haven't they run out of these things yet? Seriously you have to run out of cool behind the scenes stuff at some point.
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