Police Looking for Suspects That Set Almost Half a Million Bees on Fire at a Texas Farm
Scientists say that if bees went extinct, so would the human race. Some awful human just wiped out several colonies here in Texas.
Police are investigating an act of vandalism at the Brazoria County Beekeepers Association. Someone dumped over dozens of beehives on their property and set them on fire, killing almost half a million bees. Volunteers who showed up to work this past Saturday were shocked to find the discovery of the damage.
BCBA president Steven Brackmann said he views the crime as more than just an act of vandalism. "Vandalism is one thing," Brackmann said. "But for someone to go in and spend their time dumping over those hives and lighting them on fire...I think it's someone that doesn't like beekeepers or bees."
I really cannot imagine someone doing such a disgusting act. If you leave bees alone, they will leave you alone. No need to go on someone else's property and kill their bees for no reason.