Pamela Anderson Posing for Final Nude Issue of Playboy
Pamela Anderson first graced the pages of the iconic men's magazine 26-years-ago. And with the magazine switching to a non-nude format next year, Anderson will bare all one last time.
First appearing in Playboy when she was 22 and making so many return appearances that she's become synonymous with the magazine, Anderson, now 48-years-old, was concerned she'd outlived her appeal to the magazine and worn out her welcome,
... people have been asking me over the last year, 'Would you ever pose forPlayboy again?’ I’m like, 'They’re never going to ask… I mean I’m sure they’re sick of me. So when Hef asked, I couldn’t help myself.
I had a rough few years where I felt a little insecure, 'cause you know everyone’s getting older. I thought, 'My gosh, I miss the Playboy days.’ It was so glamorous, it was so chivalrous, there’s so many people there that were so smart, and activism, and art. You know, I just kind of miss that whole crowd and us being these little giggling girls kind of running around the mansion half naked and trying to get everybody’s attention.
Anderson told ET that she got a call from Hugh Hefner's attorney, asking her to pose and telling her that they didn't want anyone but her to grace the cover of the final nude issue. The magnitude of being the final nude photoshoot for the magazine was not lost on Anderson, who said she made the most of the experience, shooting pictures at the Playboy Mansion,
I took off all my clothes, and I rolled down the hill as fast as I can.I was just screaming, and hair and boobs were flying, and shoes were going everywhere.
Aside from her age, Anderson admitted that she was concerned about how her son's would react to the news. However, both of Anderson's sons, aged 19 and 17, supported their mother. In fact, it was one of Anderson's sons who broke the news to her about Playboy's upcoming redesign,
I was like, ‘What? Are you serious?’ But then I thought that’s probably a good thing. It’s hard to compete with the Internet. And the girl next door doesn’t exist anymore. She’s taking selfies down her shirt, like, you know, there’s no mystery over there anymore. It doesn’t have that same charm and innocence that it used to.
Anderson's 12-page spread will be released in the January/February 2016 double issue hitting newsstands on December 11th.
via Yahoo
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