Oklahoma Police Chief Says Women Can Walk Around Topless
Things are getting interesting up in Oklahoma.
I don't know why I am obsessed with this story, but I am. It all started last week when a court ruling from the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that a topless law for women in Colorado was unconstitutional. That court represents Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Kansas, and Oklahoma. I would personally think that if any of those states had a similar law it is now unconstitutional.
Well, just yesterday the Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter released a statement saying that all topless bans are still in effect. He says the ruling was specific to a Colorado ordinance and doesn't immediately invalidate local and state laws in Oklahoma. Well, now today an Oklahoma police chief is saying he's going to honor that court ruling.
Up in Sand Springs, Oklahoma, their police chief Mike Carter said this court ruling cleared the way for women to be topless in public. However, Carter said the department will continue to enforce state statute or city ordinance if they encounter people behaving in a ‘lewd or lascivious’ manner. He also said “If the conduct is not done with the intent of being obscene or sexual in nature, we will not as the court has ruled that women have an equal protection under the law."
We have one person with some authority honoring this court ruling, we will see if more come forward.