Guess he wasn't making enough money, time to bust out that ski mask. 

Police had a very strange robbery at a Little Ceasars up in Edmond, Oklahoma. The suspect came in with a ski mask and a knife. The suspect grabbed one employee and put the knife to their throat. The other employees stood there in shock and raised their hands. The suspect demanded money from the register, threatening to slit the employee's throat.

This was all caught on security cameras which helped identify the suspect. Yes, the suspect was wearing a ski mask, but he forgot to hide an identifiable feature, he was missing his right index finger. It just so happens that one of the employees at this Little Caesars is also missing his right index finger. One of the employees said the robbery suspect walked and talked a lot like that employee as well.

Turns out the suspect is Little Caesars employee Jonas Grove. He had just gotten off not too long before the robbery. Grove at first denied the accusation but later confessed.

“He said he just needed the money. I believe he said he needed the money for rent,” said Jenny Wagnon, Edmond PD spokesperson. Grove is charged with five counts for the robbery.

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