Nominate Wichita Falls So Domino’s Pizza Can Fix Our Potholes
Why have our tax dollars fix the streets when Dominos wants to help us out.
Shoutout to whoever in Domino's Marketing Team with this brilliant idea. To help promote their new carryout special (Large three topping for $7.99) they want to ensure your pizza gets home safe. So Domino's will send a road crew to your city to fix the potholes.
This is totally legit, they have already done Bartonville, Texas. They fixed eight potholes on their journey there. They have also done cities in California, Delaware, and Georgia. They actually show you on their website what driving over a pothole can do to your pizza. It's not pretty inside that box.
So what I have done is nominated my zip code, 76310. However, if we all nominate all of our Wichita Falls zip codes at once, we can probably get them to come to our city. So go to the paving for pizza website and nominate your zip code now. Plus they put the Domino's logo on all the potholes and that would be pretty cool to have in our city.
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