New Dethklok Music + Movie in the Works, Says Gene Hoglan
Earlier this year, Gene Hoglan surprised many parting ways with his longtime cohorts in Testament. But rest assured that his free time is quickly filling up, and during a recent interview Hoglan revealed that he's back involved with Adult Swim's Metalocalypse band Dethklok as they work on new music.
For several years, there has been a swell of support to bring back the popular animated series based upon a metal band. And in 2021, Adult Swim signed off on a new movie. Now, in a Cameo interview conducted by Sobre La Dosis podcast host Jonathan Montenegro, Hoglan details what his post-Testament life looks like and he reveals his involvement in the next Dethklok chapter.
"One of the larger projects that's coming up really directly as well is Dethklok is working on a movie," explains the drummer. "So that's gonna entail some definite intent from me. You know, I'm deeply involved in that, so we're working on the next album, the soundtrack – well the movie doesn't quite have a soundtrack to it – but we're gonna have the movie, we're gonna have the album for Dethklok, and I would imagine some touring as well."
As the series followed the metal band, the musicians behind the animated characters were Metalocalypse creator Brendon Small, Hoglan and bassist Bryan Beller, with guitarist Mike Keneally joining them whenever they played out live. And live is definitely a possibility in Hoglan's comments about the project, so stay tuned.
Within the discussion, Hoglan also reveals that he's writing a new Dark Angel album and preparing for a show with the group, spending plenty of time on Twitch and working on a new project with his wife Laura Christine. Of that project, he offers, "That's the most metallic thing I'm doing. My drums are just insane," adding how proud he is of that project.
Over the course of the series run, the fictional band Dethklok released three very real studio albums - 2007's The Dethalbum, 2009's Dethalbum II and 2012's Dethalbum III. Stay tuned to see what follows.