Do You Know How to Make and Carve a Turkey the Right Way?
With the Prices of turkeys, up again this year better be safe than sorry. The last thing you want is to have to replace that pricy bird because you didn't cook it right. So, review my "How To Make and Carve a Turkey the Right Way." My first piece of advice is, to take your time and study and examine everything before you begin the baking process.
It's really not that hard to prepare a picture-perfect turkey. Now, for as long as I can remember, I thought it was not at all possible to make a "picture-perfect turkey". I resolved myself to deep-frying and sometimes smoking a turkey because, when I baked one it was either too dry, too light (not cooked all the way), or too dark in color.

My question is, can I make an oven-roasted turkey moist and a beautiful golden color that I only see in all the movies or pictures? I want a picture-perfect turkey or is that the reason it's called a "picture-perfect turkey" because you only see it in the movies, on television commercials, or in magazine pictures?
My search began a while back and I kept running into this video that's only two and a half minutes short. I mean, seriously what can I learn from a two-and-a-half-minute video? Certainly not "how to make the best turkey ever", right?
Wow, was I ever in for a surprise, first off I learned how to put my turkey in after my prep work, "breast side down" which is a first in my limited culinary arts experience.
Now, why would I ever cook my turkey breast side down? This one got me, and then it hit me like a ton of bricks, for moisture, wow No more dry turkey. Then I learned to foil the stuffing, really?
This short video helped me make my first perfect turkey. Although I made a few mistakes along the way, like not having a rack below the turkey to assist me in lifting the bird. I've now mastered the art of, "making the best-roasted turkey ever."
After you've mastered the "picture-perfect turkey" it's on to carving and here's another video below to help. I hope this has been a helpful to you as it has sure been an eye-opening experience for me.