Listen to This Hilarious Play-by-Play Voicemail From a Guy Who Just Witnessed a Traffic Accident
The minor traffic accident described in this voicemail is certainly not the funny part, it's the comical play-by-play commentary of the hilarity that ensues that will have you ROFL-ing.
While working as a construction manager for Jack in the Box about 12-13 years ago, Michael Childs was driving through Athens, Texas - just southeast of Dallas - leaving a voicemail for his boss explaining why he was running late, when he witnessed a car run a red light and clip four bible-toting old ladies in an Impala.
Michael says that a guy wearing a white shirt and a tie with cigarette hanging out of his mouth got out of the car that ran the red light, and began berating the ladies as if the accident was their fault. Well those sweet old ladies weren't having it and hopped out of the Impala and began assaulting the ill-fated motorist with a variety of weapons including pepper spray, an umbrella, a bible and a "huge big bag" - wielded by a "little bitty Mother Goose woman."
"This one woman with a little black purse, she's tomahawkin' him, man!"
According to Snopes, this clip first surfaced on the internet back in early 2005 and re-surfaces from time to time. Michael Childs maintains that he is in fact the man who left the voicemail and that it is 100% genuine.
I'm willing to bet that listening to Michael's account is probably better than actually watching the events unfold....and that laugh!
Pure internet gold right here.
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