Celebrate May the Fourth by Watching this Wichita Falls Light Saber Battle
Who knew Lucy Park was home to one of the most epic light saber battles of all time?
Can I just say I love the internet. I was trying to come up with something to do for 'Star Wars' today since it is May the Fourth. I was coming up with ideas and just decided to type in Star Wars Wichita Falls into YouTube. Like a gift from the gods, I found this video from a decade ago in Wichita Falls.
Looks like a pair of kids, description says Matt and Brian Burns, decided to have a light saber battle in Lucy Park. Who knew we had our very own version of Star Wars kid in town. If I can get these kids to go viral like that, I would be very happy today. However, Star Wars kid ranks in the top ten for famous internet videos.
By the way, can I just say I love the blood effects in this video. I feel like some of those scenes in Star Wars needed a little more blood. The only one I really remember is when Obi Wan cuts Ponda's arm off in the Cantina. Yes, I know that because I am a nerd.
However you decide to celebrate May the Fourth today, I hope the force will be with you. Also, you watch us below at the station also terribly add Star Wars effects to things in Wichita Falls.
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