Heathen was born to 1 of 2 lesbian mothers, neither of which will take responsibility for him anymore. He went to school. School sucked. Pretty early on he noticed a surging fondness for boobs, breasts, knockers, ta-tas, sweater monkeys, you name it. So when he was old enough to get into the strip clubs, 13 I think, he found himself hanging around the dumpsters because they would also routinely kick him out for “egregiously groping the talent”, whatever that means. After a few years he realized that heaven was a place on earth, and guys could actually get paid to hang around these women by being what is commonly referred to as a sleazeball. Better known as the tittie bar dj. So he got his first job at the Poop-N-Shoot, a topless bar/firing range on the outskirts of an airport someplace where they don’t do background checks. Everything that happened between then and now is anybody’s guess, but I bet if you check enough “official” records, you’ll find something. Anyway, now he’s on the radio and we all have to put up with him. Nice.
Oh Hell Yeah! Nitro Circus The Movie 3D is Coming! [VIDEO]
So there I was just cruising the facebook when all of sudden…this caught my eye.
So I clicked on it like every boy should. And it showed me this!
In other words, one of the coolest shows on TV in the last 5 years has now, similar to Jackass, gone big screen and 3D! Oh y
Is It A Mushroom? No, No It’s Not. [VIDEO] [NSFW]
This is why abstinence only education DOES NOT WORK! In China a few farmers discovered what they thought was a new kind of mushroom.
To be kind it did have mushroom like tops at both ends. Oh and openings for a man to put his junk in because it was a sex toy
Grab a Free New AWOLNation EP Right Here [AUDIO]
AWOLNation has decided to give away a new EP titled “I’ve Been Dreaming” as a free download at their website. Or maybe I grabbed it and I have them all right here for you! Yeah, I did that.
New Trailer for "The Dark Knight Rises" Looks Saweet! [VIDEO]
I think this is arguably the most anticipated movie of the summer. It is also arguably the most anticipated 3rd movie of a trilogy ever. Of course that’s because anytime you use the disclaimer that something is “arguably” something else, then someone else could “argue” that it is not that thing. That would be the meaning of the word “arguably.”
New Blues Traveler "You Don’t Have To Love Me" is Pretty Sweet [VIDEO]
If you are a Blues Traveler fan, then this is for you. From their eleventh album, Suzie Cracks the Whip, in stores June 26th, this is the first single ‘You Don’t Have To Love Me’.
One of the First Remixes From Slipknot’s "Antennas To Hell" has a Video Now [VIDEO]
Slipknot’s compilation album called Antennas to Hell will drop on July 24th. It’s not a greatest hits kind of thing because, as Clown explains, “I hate ‘greatest hits,’ I hate ‘the best of.’ I will allow the word ‘compilation.’
And You Thought People on Drugs Were Funny? Try Cats On Drugs! [VIDEO]
Everybody has seen probably a hundred videos of people on anesthesia after the dentist, or a doctor visit. Finally some genius has found the holy grail of drugged up videos.
Want to See all the Naked People and sex From "Game Of Thrones" In One Video? I Thought So.
Normally if I saw that someone had taken all of the nudity and sex scenes from an HBO show and compiled them into 1 video, I would think it was the most awesome video of the week. Not with HBO’s “Game Of Thrones” though.
First off it seems that all of their sex is either abbreviated or interrupted. A lot of them ne
Three Days Grace Pop up a New Weird Teaser for "Transit Of Venus" [VIDEO]
Three Days Grace recently announced that their next album would be called “Transit Of Venus”. They named it that after the actual transit of Venus across the sun earlier this year. Now they’ve started posting more and more cryptic teaser videos.
Metallica’s Lars Explains His "Hit The Lights" Film Tent at the Orion Festival [VIDEO]
With the “Orion Music + More Festival” around the corner in New Jersey, we’re hearing more and more every day about all the extras the band is adding to the party. Lars ha snow dropped a seven-minute video explaining the plans for his “Hit The Lights Film Tent”.
James Hetfield Records New PSA for Morgan Harrington [VIDEO]
Almost 3 years ago Morgan Harrington disappeared while hitchhiking home from a Metallica concert on the Virgina Tech campus. Her remains were finally found about 3 months later on a farm about 10 miles away.
Could Spike TV’s "World’s Worst Tenants" be the Next New Crap Realty TV Sensation? Probably [VIDEO]
The next salvo in the world of reality TV has been fired. Spike TV is entering the fray this year with 2 trashy options for the “reality” genre. Your options are “Diamond Divers” and “World’s Worst Tenants”.