Finals week for many turns into an all-night cram session. This girl didn't want any lag time between walking home and going to bed. 

Shout out to everyone going through finals week right now. Don't worry you will survive this. Unless you skipped the entire year and this is the first time you're stepping foot in that classroom. Then best of luck to you. This girl is taking studying very seriously.

I am going to assume Texas State is similar to MSU, where the library is open 24/7 during finals week. No word on the name of the student catching a quick power nap, but Xander Basson, a business management major snapped the photo. He caught the girl's setup on the third floor of the library.

He said he took the photo at 3:30 in the afternoon on Monday. He went back Tuesday morning and she was still there. "I just went to look and she's there, but she's sleeping on her arms on the table when I walked past her," he said in his update. "Bed is still there too."

BONUS: 106.3 the Buzz Visits the GWARbar 

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