I can assure you, I would have died much sooner than this man if I did this many shots.

Drinking competitions are something you need to be careful with. Nothing wrong with a few good drinking games every now and then. You do need to know your own personal limits though. It doesn't matter how much so and so can drink, you need to know how much you can handle.

This drinking competition just sounds awful and no one should ever attempt to try it. A bar in France said that one patron had downed 55 shots in one night. Well one guy set out to break that record and he did. He was able to somehow get down 56 shots. Which just sounds like an insane amount of liquor to drink in one night.

According to police, he was actually able to get down 30 shots in the span of a minute. That would have me vomiting every where if I even attempted that. He was driven home and later taken to the hospital. He died the next day in hospital after falling into a coma and suffering a heart attack.

"My father died by his own hand but it was the bar that served him the drinks," the man's daughter said. She is waiting for the results of an autopsy carried out in the immediate aftermath. The daughter said she would sue the bar if it transpired there was negligence in the case. Police said the manager could be charged with "not assisting a person in danger."

Remember kids binge drinking is not a good idea. Remember to pace yourself and you may want to set a limit for yourself. If you're going to drink an excessive amount of alcohol, make sure you get a designated driver. Also don't try to even come close to this shot record, I imagine the hangover to end all hangovers the next day.


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