Everyone took to the internet Sunday to double-check Arya Stark actress Maisie Williams' age after a surprise scene in the latest 'Game of Thrones' episode.

If you didn't see it yourself on Sunday, you've probably heard about the shocking scene from this last weekend's episode where Arya Stark stripped down and had her first love scene of the series. Normally shying away from emotion after witnessing her father's decapitation in the first season, Arya dropped her guard with her long-time friend Gendry, which Williams told Entertainment Weekly was very humanizing for the character,

It was really interesting because it’s a very human relationship for Arya. This is something she’s stayed away from, an emotion we’ve never really seen her engage with. David and Dan were like, ‘It’s the end of the world, what else would you have her do?’ This may be is a moment where Arya accepts death tomorrow, which she never does — ‘Not Today.’ So it was that moment where she says, ‘We’re probably going to die tomorrow, I want to know what this feels like before that happens.’ It’s interesting to see Arya be a bit more human, speak more normally about things people are scared of.

As Williams was only 11-years-old when she began filming her first scenes as Arya, it was natural for audiences to be shocked to see the now-22-year-old actress show some skin in the show known for nudity. But some viewers had to check for themselves, as searches on Williams' age skyrocketed during the episode.


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