It should be no surprise that the revived lineup of Sublime, which now goes by Sublime with Rome, still smokes a lot of marijuana. You will be surprised at who called the cops on these guys last weekend.

So let's get strait to business. Sublime with Rome was performing at some festival in Arizona and smoking weed this past weekend, like they normally do. Things all changed though when the cops showed up in their dressing room.

According to a report from TMZ, the band was not in the dressing room but cops did find and confiscate a couple bags of marijuana as well as a pipe, rolling papers and a few roaches (not the six-legged kind).

As you can imagine the band was pretty pissed off that someone would call the cops on them. So who's to blame?

All fingers point to Linkin Park, who we shall call Linkin Nark from this point on.

While it may not have been one of the band members from Linkin Nark, it was defiantly someone who worked for the group.

According to the police report, one of the security guards for Linkin Nark approached a pair of deputies and told them about Sublime with Rome's 'little party' all because someone in Linkin Nark is 'allergic' to marijuana smoke. Sounds like a bunch of snitches to me.

Supposedly, Linkin Nark offered to replace Sublime with Rome's lost marijuana, which they refused. At last word the band remains pretty upset about the whole ordeal and I don't blame them.

So do you think Linkin Park should be branded as snitches? It wasn't any of the band members who called the cops but it was one of their people. Let us know what you think in the comment section below.

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