Can You Guess These '80s Hair Metal Videos?Can You Guess These '80s Hair Metal Videos?Back to an era of big hair and even bigger video hits. How well do you remember the '80s hair metal videos playing on MTV?Chad ChildersChad Childers
Cheesiest Hair Metal BalladsCheesiest Hair Metal BalladsFromage in hard rock ballad form.Sydney TaylorSydney Taylor
Most Played Song Live by Big Hair Metal BandsMost Played Song Live by Big Hair Metal BandsWho has the most played hair metal song and which hair metal acts live stats may surprise you? Find out.Chad ChildersChad Childers
10 Best '90s Hair Metal Albums10 Best '90s Hair Metal AlbumsHair metal may have died in the '90s, but not without a fight!Sydney TaylorSydney Taylor
Rock + Metal Lyrics That Didn't Age All That WellRock + Metal Lyrics That Didn't Age All That WellUm, I'm not sure that line still works . . .Jordan BlumJordan Blum
Winger Guitarist Reb Beach Blames Producer for Most Controversial ‘Seventeen’ LineWinger Guitarist Reb Beach Blames Producer for Most Controversial ‘Seventeen’ LineHe reflects on the band's breakout single.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Rock Lyrics That Didn't Age All That WellRock Lyrics That Didn't Age All That WellYou definitely can’t say THAT anymore!Jordan BlumJordan Blum
Kip Winger Finally Got an Apology From MetallicaKip Winger Finally Got an Apology From MetallicaLars Ulrich used his face as a dartboard in the "Nothing Else Matters" music video. Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
Kip Winger Reveals Metallica Member Apologized for ‘Dart Throwing’ Incident in ‘Nothing Else Matters’ VideoKip Winger Reveals Metallica Member Apologized for ‘Dart Throwing’ Incident in ‘Nothing Else Matters’ Video'He was very sincere. It wasn't like he called to apologize and just blew me off,' says Winger.Chad ChildersChad Childers
How Metallica + ‘Beavis and Butt-Head’ Nearly Killed Winger’s Career for GoodHow Metallica + ‘Beavis and Butt-Head’ Nearly Killed Winger’s Career for GoodGuitarist Reb Beach recounts the effects of some high profile mocking.Chad ChildersChad Childers