Those Rick and Morty Season 4 negotiations were bigger than we thought. Not only have creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon confirmed Season 4 is go at Adult Swim, but the title duo’s adventures could well take us through Season 10.
It’s not an easy time for Rick and Morty fans. Season 4 remains perilously in limbo, and further away by the minute. And where April Fools last year brought a wonderful surprise for fans, Adult Swim has followed up with a bizarre Australian remake that may or may not be sanctioned by creators.
More and more, Marvel’s aborted Deadpool series with Donald Glover seems like a missed opportunity. New writer insight suggests the animated project sought to be as madcap as Rick and Morty, with leaked test footage that corroborates as much.
The long wait for new Rick and Morty is especially fraught this year, as conservative estimates place Season 4 in late 2019 (at best). Now, creators confirm Adult Swim has not yet renewed the series, and contract negotiations with parent company Turner are to blame.
I said back in October that if Szechuan sauce ever comes back to Wichita Falls, I will attempt to eat 100 McNuggets. I am a man of my word. I mean, I got a freaking pony tattoo. Did you really not think I would try to do this?