Metalheads Name ‘Wildest’ Concert Crowds They’ve Been in on RedditMetalheads Name ‘Wildest’ Concert Crowds They’ve Been in on RedditMetalheads name the bands they've seen live that had the wildest concert crowds, including Motorhead, Pantera, Slayer and more.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Metallica Fans Share Their Biggest Hot Takes on the Band on RedditMetallica Fans Share Their Biggest Hot Takes on the Band on RedditMetallica fans are having a discussion and sharing their biggest hot takes about the band on Reddit, from 'St. Anger' to 'Death Magnetic' and more.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Grunge Fans Recall How They Felt About Nu-Metal on RedditGrunge Fans Recall How They Felt About Nu-Metal on RedditFans of grunge music are having a discussion on Reddit about their feelings on nu-metal music, which became popular a few years after grunge.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Music Fans Name the Saddest Songs Ever on RedditMusic Fans Name the Saddest Songs Ever on RedditMusic fans had a discussion on Reddit about the saddest songs ever, including choices by Alice In Chains, Linkin Park and more.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Metallica Fans Debate Band’s Saddest Song on RedditMetallica Fans Debate Band’s Saddest Song on RedditMetallica fans on Reddit are having a debate about which of the band's songs are the saddest, including 'One,' 'Fade to Black' and others.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
System of a Down Fans Name Band’s Most Underrated Songs on RedditSystem of a Down Fans Name Band’s Most Underrated Songs on RedditSystem of a Down fans on Reddit named which of the band's songs they think are the most underrated, including 'Shimmy,' 'Ego Brain' and others.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Linkin Park Announce Event: What We KnowLinkin Park Announce Event: What We KnowLinkin Park announced an exclusive event for members of the LP Underground fan club that's set to happen in Los Angeles on Sept. 5.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Who Are Metalcore’s ‘Big 4’? Reddit Users DebateWho Are Metalcore’s ‘Big 4’? Reddit Users DebateThree bands were most frequently named, but there was plenty of discussion on who should be metalcore's fourth in the 'Big 4.'Chad ChildersChad Childers
What Songs Would You Play to Introduce Someone to Metallica? Reddit Users Weigh InWhat Songs Would You Play to Introduce Someone to Metallica? Reddit Users Weigh InMetallica fans on Reddit name which of the band's three songs they would play for someone who had never heard them before. Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Fans Offer Tips for Showering at Outdoor Music Festivals on RedditFans Offer Tips for Showering at Outdoor Music Festivals on RedditFans on Reddit offer advice for showering at outdoor music festivals, from using communal showers to using camping gear at your tent.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
System of a Down Fans Name Worst Song to Introduce Someone to BandSystem of a Down Fans Name Worst Song to Introduce Someone to BandSystem of a Down fans on Reddit discuss the band's worst song to introduce someone new to the band, including 'Arto' and some others.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Everything We Learned About Slipknot From Clown’s Q+A on RedditEverything We Learned About Slipknot From Clown’s Q+A on RedditEverything we learned about Slipknot and Shawn 'Clown' Crahan during the percussionists's 'Ask Me Anything' with fans on Reddit.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner