24 New Tours Announced Last Week24 New Tours Announced Last WeekIncubus, Deafheaven and Of Mice & Men lead the touring announcements for this past week, while Vans Warped Tour started rolling out bands.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Whatever Happened to the Acts from Ozzfest’s Inaugural Lineup?Whatever Happened to the Acts from Ozzfest’s Inaugural Lineup?See where they were when the festival first came about and what they ended up doing after.Chad ChildersChad Childers
13 New Tours Announced The Last Week13 New Tours Announced The Last WeekSee all the new rock and metal tours as well as other live announcements over the last week.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Second Best Song of 10 One Hit WondersSecond Best Song of 10 One Hit WondersYou know the big song, but what about the rest of their music?Chad ChildersChad Childers
Most Play Song Live by Nu-Metal's Biggest BandsMost Play Song Live by Nu-Metal's Biggest BandsIt's all about that nu live.Chad ChildersChad Childers
16 New Rock + Metal Tours Announced This Past Week (Aug. 18-24, 2023)16 New Rock + Metal Tours Announced This Past Week (Aug. 18-24, 2023)Get your tickets to the hottest, newly announced rock and metal concerts and festivals.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Ridiculous Metal Covers of Classic SongsRidiculous Metal Covers of Classic SongsOzzy goes disco?Loudwire StaffLoudwire Staff
Rob Zombie Rocks ‘Thunder Kiss ’65’ With Brother Spider One and Members of Powerman 5000 + Static-XRob Zombie Rocks ‘Thunder Kiss ’65’ With Brother Spider One and Members of Powerman 5000 + Static-XThe collaboration came about after some production issues affected the package tour.Chad ChildersChad Childers
How 15 Nu-Metal Musicians Felt About Being Called ‘Nu-Metal’How 15 Nu-Metal Musicians Felt About Being Called ‘Nu-Metal’They should own it.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Rob Zombie Announces Summer Tour With Mudvayne, Static-X + Powerman 5000Rob Zombie Announces Summer Tour With Mudvayne, Static-X + Powerman 5000What a lineup!Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
20 Nu-Metal Covers of Popular Songs20 Nu-Metal Covers of Popular SongsWe know your guilty pleasure.Sophie MaughanSophie Maughan
Powerman 5000 Unveil ‘How to Be a Human’ Video, Join Rob Zombie’s ‘Great American Nightmare’Powerman 5000 Unveil ‘How to Be a Human’ Video, Join Rob Zombie’s ‘Great American Nightmare’Powerman 5000 have unveiled their' How to Be a Human' video. They've also joined the lineup for opening night of Rob Zombie's 'Great American Nightmare.'Chad ChildersChad Childers