Texas News

Texas DMV Blocks Plate After Upside-Down Meaning Found
Texas DMV Blocks Plate After Upside-Down Meaning Found
Texas DMV Blocks Plate After Upside-Down Meaning Found
A Houston man thought he had the perfect personalized license plate, but the Texas DMV had other ideas. The problem? It looked fine at first. However, when you flipped it upside down, it spelled something inappropriate. Oops. The driver says he had no clue about the hidden message, but the DMV wasn’t buying it. As s ...
Watch Wild Lightning Storm Erupt Over Texas
Watch Wild Lightning Storm Erupt Over Texas
Watch Wild Lightning Storm Erupt Over Texas
They said they pulled into a Love’s Travel Stops at 11 PM, running on fumes. After spending the whole evening chasing a monster tornado through Texas, they thought they would finally get a break. The storm chasers just wanted some gas, a stretch, and maybe a questionable gas station burrito. But Mother Nature had other pla...

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