Quitting smoking is not easy, but it can be done. If you are looking for tips to help you quit smoking, research has shown that the following these steps from yesquit.org gives you the best chance of quitting and staying tobacco-free.

Prepare to Quit

Before you make the decision to quit, think about why you want to quit. Then pick a quit date and stick to it. The next step to preparing to quit is to get rid of all tobacco products from your house, car and workplace - out of sight, out of mind. Ask people not to smoke around you and avoid situations you know tobacco will be present.

Build a Support System

You don't have to do it alone. Ask for help. Having some help is a proven aid for making your quit attempt successful. Make sure your friends know about your decision to quit smoking and ask them to not smoke around you.

Learn New Skills and Habits

Make plans to do something you enjoy every day to help keep your spirits up and distract you from tobacco cravings by staying busy. Seek out stress-reducing activities and stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and other liquids.

Take Advantage of Medications and Use Them Correctly

Try one of the many over-the-counter quitting aids approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) including nicotine gum, patches, and lozenges. Prescription medications quitting aids are also available. Discuss the use of both over-the-counter and prescription medications with your health care provider before using any.

Prepare for Relapse or Challenging Times

Like anything in life, it takes practice to quit smoking. But you can do it — just stay positive. If you fall down, try again. Some factors that increase the odds of a relapse include:

  • Alcohol – Drinking can lower your chances of successfully quitting.
  • Other smokers – Being around smoke can make quitting very difficult. Try to avoid places that will tempt you to smoke.
  • Weight gain – Some smokers gain weight (usually less than 10 pounds) during their quit attempts. Do not let this discourage you. Eat healthy meals and exercise regularly. Minor weight gain is less harmful than smoking, and exercise will become easier after you quit using tobacco.
  • Bad mood or depression – If you use tobacco to ward off a bad mood or depression, try a healthier, enjoyable activity. You may also consult your doctor about medications to help you quit and decrease depression.

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