The machines have become self aware people, time to start preparing for the T-1000's to start going nuts.

I have to admit, I have been waiting for a story like this for awhile now. I honestly thought it was going to be a kid that did this though, not a grown woman. I remember back in the 90's they had those Cabbage Patch dolls you could feed. A little girl stuck her hair through it, the doll just kept eating her hair because it thought it was food.

That is kind of what happened in this situation, except the vacuum thought the hair was dust. So this woman can afford a robot vacuum, but not a bed that is not on the floor? Guess so because that is where she is sleeping. She had to call the fire department to get this bad boy off and it took thirty minutes to do so. The photo is priceless. So lesson for the day kids, don't sleep on the floor in the same room as the robot vacuum.



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