It’s funny some people still aren’t sold on chiropractors.  For me, chiropractors were really a lifesaver.  It wasn’t just the treatments that helped me, but also the advice.  One bit is, if you sit on a big fat wallet all your life it’s going to shift your spine…no duh, huh?  Well you don’t think about it until someone brings it up.  Now people are at risk of getting ‘jowl-y”.  Details after the jump.


You could be making yourself ugly, or uglier.  Here’s Heathen with the story on what we’re calling “Droopy Dog Syndrome”.

I do not want to be naked in front of other people and I do not want to stay in a hotel where other people are showing off their goodies.  If you’d like a side of wiener with your breakfast, here’s good news for you:

I have a friend here in town who had a car crash into her house.  So far, the drunk driver hasn’t made any kind of restitution.  Sucks, huh?  Now imagine that happening THREE TIMES:

and just in case we got you in the mood for “Droopy Dog”, here’s a classic cartoon:

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