Bill Cosby isn't the only one dealing with sexual assault allegations. Seals in Antarctica have been caught on camera taking advantage of poor little penguins.

The first documented penguin rape took place back in 2006 while researchers were observing the fur seals in their natural habitat. There's no sure way to know exactly just how many times this has occurred since then.

What we do know though is that fur seals in Antarctica have been chasing down king penguins, mounting them, and having their way with these poor little birds before letting them go or eating them.

So why don't these damned seals stick to their own species?

Scientist speculate that the ones carrying out these horrible acts could be frustrated or sexually inexperienced seals. They also stated it could be an aggressive or predatory act, or maybe they were just being playful until it turned sexual.

So basically, they have no idea why it's happening.

Now, it's not uncommon for fur seals to hunt and eat the penguins, but rape is a whole new game for these frisky seals.

Of the four cases of penguin rape caught on camera, only one penguin has died. If you're curious, the seal ate that penguin after taking advantage of it.

They say that this could be a learned behavior amongst the seals, meaning that all it took was one slightly retarded seal to mount a penguin before all the other young seals thought that was acceptable behavior, which could explain why this is becoming more and more common amongst the seals.

You can see some of this shocking video of one such penguin rape below.

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